Friday, June 6, 2014

Part 22--New Treatment and Travel Plans

It's been a while since I checked in with the news about my alleged brain. You may recall that our most previous episode ended with new and decidedly gloomy news about my most recent check up. While this month's update will not offer unbridled optimism to anyone, there is at least reason to keep the mood in the upswing for the immediate future.
Trying to keep these various treatments and dates straight. As far as I can recall, I had my last MRI on May 12. On May 16 we met with Dr. Lee for the results and found out that the tumor had unquestionably progressed, and I began new treatments with something called Irinotecan.
To be honest, I haven't spent a lot of time studying up on this stuff. I guess it is used primarily to treat people with  rectal cancer and colon cancer, but other types as well. My first treatment was an infusion that lasted about three hours. I felt no ill effect until about two days afterward, but then the chemo clobbered me hard. I did nothing but sleep for about five days,  except for the few hours each day when I was awake but couldn't remember much, like what my cellphone was used for or who my best friend was. Then I began to emerge from the drowsiness I felt. I gradually recovered my strength and felt pretty good for the next two weeks.
This leads into my most recent checkup, which occurred on Friday, June 6. I guess the best way to describe  the news is good, with guarded optimism. We learned that the sudden decline may have been due as much to the chemo as it may have been to the tumor. Lee called it chemo brain. We also learned that it may or may not happen again. That is often what we hear from the oncologist--may or may not, possibly but we can't say for sure. I will need to get an injection on Monday to help increase my white blood cell count, which was dramatically lowered by the chemo.

Now for the really good news. Road Trip! Yes it's true, the eagerly awaited Pam and Steve world tour 2014 kicks off on June 19, when we board a plane bound for Chicago and parts unknown. A star-studded cast awaits your visit with lustful anticipation. I sincerely hope my wish to enjoy the company of each and every one of you is granted. I cannot think of any stronger juju that will make me well again.
Love you all, can't wait to be with you again. Steve, Pam, (and Caroline guarding Fort Bliss pending our safe return).
(Composed with loving care via Dragon!)

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